Čistá Vodka Zubrovka. Zubrówka Bílá čerpá z přírodního bohatství lesa Białowieża.
(Tato zubrovka neobsahuje stéblo trávy Tomky vonné). Demineralizovaná voda z vlastní vody hluboké studny doplňuje kvalitní suroviny, z nichž se vyrábí tato vodka.
Miniaturní placatka, výška 12,6 cm
Složení: pitná voda, jemný líh, macerát tomky vonné, cukr
Slova výrobce:
Żubrówka Biała draws from the natural wealth of the Białowieża Forest. It is a crystal clear version of the acclaimed, throughout the world, Żubrówka - one of the most popular and best known Polish brands. Żubrówka Biała owes its pristine purity and mild flavor to its natural origin and the latest technology.
The taste of Żubrowka Biała has been recognized by consumers in blind quality tests. Its quality was rated as the best among leading vodka brands.
The unique, specially sculpted bottle was designed- by the world's best design agency - Claessens Intl. It emphasizes the natural, traditional and original nature of vodka.
Polmos Bialystok, the manufacturer of Żubrówka has one of the most modern alcohol rectification plants. Here we can find the only platinum filtration in Poland.
Skladové číslo: 9590
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